Opplev en ny måte å drikke på med Liplid
Hvert år brukes mer enn 300 milliarder plastlokk på kaffe- og drikkekoppene våre. Liplid setter nå en ny standard for lokk tilpasset kopper for servering av varme og kalde drikker på farten – 100% plast- og PFAS-fritt.
Globalt brukes det hvert år mer enn 300 milliarder plastlokk – 1 500 000 000 kg plast – på kaffe- og drikkekoppene våre. Lokkene lekker, og vi søler og brenner oss. Og fordi de er laget av plast, er lokkene skadelige for miljøet – og er forbudt i EU, som gjør at plastlokkene fases ut.
For å løse dette problemet er Liplids lokk blitt utviklet – et helt nytt biobasert lokk laget av bagasse og bambus
Under våren kommer Liplid-locket på marknaden
Under drygt två år har Packnews följt utvecklingen av det nya, svenska, Liplid-locket för varma och kalla drycker. Locket, med sin revolutionerande design, innebär ett nytänkande som väckt stor uppmärksamhet. Men som alltid när något helt nytt är på gång, så tar det längre tid än förväntat att nå marknaden, men nu är det dags och i mars sker äntligen de första leveranserna.
World Star Packaging Awards 2021
UniCup awarded win at World Star Packaging Awards for LipLid innovation
World Star Packaging Awards for LipLid
UniCup awarded win at World Star Packaging Awards for LipLid innovation
LipLid named world’s best lid
LipLid named world’s best lid, wins 2022 WorldStar Packaging Awards
LipLid has won the 2022 WorldStar Packaging Award for best lid
Swedish company UniCup Scandinavia AB wins in the category ‘Packaging Materials and Components’ with the LipLid, becoming world leader with its innovative and eco-friendly beverage lid.
Svenska dryckeslocket Liplid belönades med en World Star
Det innovativa dryckeslocket Liplid, utvecklat av svenska UniCup Scandinavia AB, har belönats i globala förpackningstävlingen World Star Packaging Awards 2022, som arrangeras av World Packaging Organisation (WPO).
Pris till specialdesignat dryckeslock
Svenska företaget UniCup Scandinavia hyllas för sitt biobaserade dryckeslock av gran och tall för on-the-go-marknaden. Locket sätts i bägaren istället för på.
Liplid är nu världens bästa lock
Vinner World Star Packaging Awards 2022
Swedish company develops bio-based beverage cup lid (
Swedish company develops bio-based beverage cup lid.
LipLid has won the 2022 WorldStar Packaging Award for best lid
Swedish company UniCup Scandinavia AB wins in the category ‘Packaging Materials and Components’ with the LipLid, becoming world leader with its innovative and eco-friendly beverage lid.
Swedish innovation can save the planet from plastic lids
Swedish company UniCup Scandinavia AB has now created an entirely new bio-based lid made of spruce and pine. The “Liplid” is placed inside, rather than on, the cup, and improves the stability and drinking experience of on-the-go beverages.
Unicup Scandinavia AB created new bio based lid
Swedish innovation can save the planet from plastic lids.
Swedish company develops bio-based beverage cup lid
Liplid: the Swedish innovation can save the planet from plastic lids
Swedish innovation can save the planet from plastic lids
Chains interested in coffee cup innovation
A Swedish firm claims to have solved one of the biggest dilemmas facing coffee shop operators – how to create recyclable cup lids that don’t leak.
UniCup creates innovation to save the planet from plastic lids
Swedish company UniCup Scandinavia AB has created an entirely new bio-based beverage lid made of spruce and pine. The “Liplid” is placed inside, rather than on, the cup, and is designed to improve the stability and drinking experience of on-the-go beverages.
Liplid aims to cut plastic from takeaway drinks
Swedish innovation can save the planet from plastic lids
LipLid has won the 2022 WorldStar Packaging Award for best lid
Swedish company UniCup Scandinavia AB wins in the category ‘Packaging Materials and Components’ with the LipLid, becoming world leader with its innovative and eco-friendly beverage lid.
At Liplid, we are dedicated to revolutionizing how you enjoy your beverages on the go.
Today, we are excited to introduce our latest innovation: the newest version of the Liplid lid, designed specifically for the take-away market.
With this transportation lid we now have a complete offering of cups and lids for different situations and needs.
Why choose the new Liplid lid over generic alternatives?
- 100% Plastic-Free: Crafted with environmentally conscious materials, ensuring zero plastic use, while staying true to our mission of sustainability.
- Versatile Design: Perfect for both warm and cold beverages, making it your ideal companion no matter what you’re drinking.
- Eco-friendly and Recyclable: The lid is not just recyclable, it reduces waste and helps to protect the environment.
- Improved User Experience: Thoughtfully engineered for an exceptional drinking experience.
- Perfect Fit for Most Cups: Designed for a secure and comfortable fit on a wide range of cup sizes, the Liplid lid helps prevent spills while also stabilizing the cup.
- Efficient Use of Materials: Our lid is made with less material than traditional lids, without compromising on quality or functionality.
Join us in embracing this truly plastic-free innovation that adds simplicity and convenience to your everyday life. Cheers to making your coffee moments even better! ☕✨
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